Magento Marketing Extensions: 7 Essential Extensions

Magento Marketing Extensions: 7 Essential Extensions

May 7, 2019

There are a range of Magento marketing extensions on the marketplace you can use to grow your store.

When a developer creates a specific extension based on an existing business process, they submit it to the official Magento marketplace and you’re able to purchase it (some of them are free).

These extensions are great if you want to make use of additional store customizations. What’s more, if you can’t find the right for you based on your own marketing needs, there’s always more.

In this post, you’ll learn about five categories of tools:

  1. Email marketing Magento extensions
  2. Customer support Magento extensions
  3. CRM Magento extensions
  4. Marketing automation Magento extensions

If there’s a category of extension we haven’t covered here, check out the marketplace for yourself to see if you can find one to suit your needs.

Email marketing

Running an e-commerce store involves sending emails. You’ll send transactional emails – when someone makes a purchase and you’ll send promotional emails – to keep people interested in your store and products.

Choosing the right email marketing extension for your Magento store really depends on what you hope to achieve, how many customers you have on your email list and what type of emails you want to send.

Let’s look at two popular email extensions, Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp.

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor offers its customers email marketing and automation software. The benefit of using a tool like Campaign Monitor is the drag-and-drop functionality it uses.

By collecting crucial data about your customers, you’re able to leverage this information to decide which customer receives which campaign and when.

No two customers are the same and because of this, Magento owners who succeed are the ones who adopt personalized target email marketing strategies. You could try sending all your new customers a welcome offer. Or perhaps you want to send a specific email to some of your  VIP customers. Whatever email type you want to send, it’s easy with this tool and its segmentation ability.

Magento Extensions Campaign Monitor

The MailChimp Magento extension is perfect for e-commerce businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small one-man company or even a big online retailer, this tool can help you organize, create and deliver wonderful email campaigns.

This extension is free to use however, you will have to pay for your MailChimp account. Payment works based on the total number of subscribers in your account. If you have less than 2000 people signed up to your list, you can send up to 12,000 emails for free. Once you go above 2000, you’ll pay based on the total number. This way you don’t pay for services you don’t use and your email marketing capabilities scales as you grow.

Magento Extensions Mailchimp


If your budget doesn’t stretch to a full suite of paid extensions, fear not, for there is a wide selection of free extensions you can use in your store. Two powerful extensions are Yotpo Reviews and Sendgrid.


Another Email platform, SendGrid is also free to install in your store. SendgGrid are passionate about their ability to create a world-class deliverability tool so that your emails get seen. Connecting your store to this extensions is easy and seamless through SMTP or one of their APIs.

So whether you want to set up automated receipt emails or emails to help your customers set up their own online account, Sendgrid could be the tool for you!

Magento Extensions Sendgrid


The truth of the matter is your customers trust other customers more than they trust you. It’s why before you make a big purchase you’ll look for reviews to make sure you’re making the right decision.

What’s more, when it comes to e-commerce, remember that customers aren’t able to see the products in the flesh. They can’t handle them the same way they should through traditional brick-and-mortar shopping.

So displaying reviews across your site is a great way to build trust with potential customers and leverage social proof.

With the Yotpo extension, you’re able to collect user-generated content and use it to create a better user experience for current and potential customers

Magento Extensions Yotpo

Customer support

Whether it’s current customers wanting to know more about the products they’ve purchased, or potential customers wanting to understand something a little better, you should have excellent customer support throughout your store.

One popular customer support extension is Zendesk. Not only is the extension free, but it has a whole range of benefits and features that’ll turn your store into a customer support machine.


If you’re looking for a customer service and support platform, the Zendesk Magento extension could be the right one for you.

It allows you to build better relationships with your customers that are not only personal but more meaningful than you would have otherwise.

Whether you want your customers to reach out to you or guide them through self-serve support, Zendesk does it all.

One of the great things about this extension is the ability to see how much a customer has spent with you over their lifetime with your store as well as any previous conversations. With access to all this data, you can ensure your customers are treated as individuals and get the support they deserve.

Magento Extensions Zendesk


When you sell your first product to your first customer, keeping track of who they are is easy. But what happens when your store takes off and you suddenly have hundreds, if not thousands of customers?

You need an easy way to manage these people and track their details in order to send the right marketing messages to the right people.

Think about it. Someone who buys from your store weekly is a very different type of customer than someone who’s made a purchase one-time. Due to this, you might want to send different messaging to different types of customers.

This is possible when you implement CRM extensions. We’ll look at Zoho and Salesforce.


Zoho CRM is a Magento extension that allows you to run your marketing in a systemized automated way. It works by creating a customer tracking system so both your sales and marketing departments have a clearer idea of who each customer is and the benefit they bring to your store.

You can use this information to make better marketing decisions based on your customers buying behavior.


Marketing automation

Marketing will be the lifeblood of your Magento store (if it isn’t already) but marketing takes time. However, with marketing automation extensions, you’re able to predefine specific routes or actions customer take and automatically send the right type of messaging to them.

If you’re looking for the perfect marketing automation software for you, why not try Amasty.


You already know that no two customers are created equal. Each customer will fit into a specific segment. This could be based on their location, average order value or lifetime value. Using Amasty, you can send hyper-targeted messaging to specific cohorts of customers based on their demographics.


Wrapping it up one Magento extension at a time

In this post, we looked at a range of different Magento marketing extensions you can use to add an extra layer of customization to your store.

Running and maintaining an e-commerce store isn’t easy so why don’t you make your life easier by utilizing the array of extensions Magento has to offer.

Whether you’re looking specifically for free tools, customer support tools or even marketing automation tools, you’ll find one perfect for your business.

Get searching today! What Magento extension do you like best? Think we’ve missed out an important extension? Leave a comment below and we’ll update the post.

  1. Shubham
    January 20, 2021

    Thank you for sharing these Magento extensions. It is very helpful for me. Please keep sharing more articles like this.

  2. Prisync Team
    January 29, 2021

    Thanks a lot! It's great to hear we could be helpful! We'll do for sure, come back for more.

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